Feb 28Liked by Preston Alexander

So Patient Receivables are 50% of total current assets?? And 7x other receivables?? Round numbers…$770M at a $500 OOP, which we know most Americans don’t have on hand…would be 1.4M accounts. Who can think those receivables are appropriately discounted?

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Feb 25Liked by Preston Alexander

Thanks for all you do exposing #facts, Preston… keep shining the light 💡 on the #Cartel and eventually care and costs will improve… now, back to work!

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Keep fighting the good fight!

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Feb 25Liked by Preston Alexander

First blush, UCHealth can eat these costs, no problem. 15,710 sued in 5 years for a grand total of a rounding error. That’s shameful This says it all!

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Thanks so much!

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